Have you noticed that the water in your sink is taking a little longer to go down, or you’ve been showering in standing water, or smelt some unpleasant odors in your bathroom or kitchen recently? If you can say yes to any of these, chances are your drain is becoming clogged. When you notice these warning signs you’ll want to quickly and safely unblock the drain before it becomes completely clogged. Learn how below:
- Bent Wire Hanger: This technique is surprisingly effective. All you have to do is take a regular wire coat hanger and straighten it out. Once you’ve straightened it out, bend one side of it to create a hook. After you’ve done that you’re ready to start removing the gunk from your drain. Remember though, you always want to be pulling things out, and not pushing them in further. Finally, once you’ve got as much out as you can, run the hot water.
- Baking Soda & Vinegar: Begin by mixing ⅓ cup of baking soda with ⅓ cup of vinegar. Once it begins fizzing, waste no time, and pour it down the drain. The fizzing action will help remove the gunk that is clogging your drain. Let this solution sit in the drain for at least an hour or longer and then flush with hot water.
- Boiling Water: This is typically the easiest and fastest way to unclog your drain. Slowly pour boiled water down your drain in two to three stages, allowing the water to work for several seconds in between each one.
- Plunger: For this trick, make sure you have a cup-shaped plunger. Then before you begin plunging away, remove any metal strainers or metal stoppers in your sink. Next, fill the sink halfway full with water and place your plunger over the drain making sure you have a firm seal. Your then ready to plunge away your clog. Make sure you use fast, sharp plunges.
- The Drain Snake: The drain snake is a low-tech piece of equipment that works wonders. You can typically buy them for a cheap price at local hardware stores. The long, spring steel wire goes into your drain, and once it hits the gunk, you twist it and it will remove everything.
If you try all of these tricks and still can’t unclog your drain, call the professionals at Donofrio Mechanicals and Plumbing Masters Inc. to get the job done.
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